Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent Done Right

I've never been fond of the idea of "giving up something" for Lent. I'm a born & raised Catholic girl who was taught all the ways of Roman Catholicism daily, but I never really got a lot of it. For instance, not eating meat of Fridays. Really? Why? I always liked to tell my mom, "Jesus doesn't care if I eat pepperoni." I still stand by that statement.

So, this whole "giving up something" for Lent thing has always seemed like crap. It just seemed like a back ass way of trying to loosing weight, or break a bad habit. It's like a new years resolution 3 months later. How does me giving up chocolate & candy for 40 days make any sense? It doesn't.

Nonetheless, I got to thinking about what would really be a selfless sacrifice. I figured that I'd like to give this Lent thing a try- and do it the right way. I was always taught that for Lent, in addition to giving things up you should also do good things & make sacrifices in the name of others. I'll try that at some point, but I want to give something up! So, I put a lot of thought into what i could give up & in the end i decided that pop would be it! It seemed perfect! It's like a treat for me on an almost daily basis. I drink it instead of eating junk food, so no need about doing this to lose weight! Also, I have every intention of going back to drinking my daily pop once this whole Easter thing happens! This isn't a lifelong change people- this is a temporary sacrifice!

Well, I'm one day into it, and
I'm going through DTs. Lack of caffeine is NOT agreeing with my head. I thought my caffeinated protein drink would satisfy my need for caffeine in the morning, but apparently the equivalent of a 12 oz coffee is much less than my body requires. Ugh. I needed something sweet after my lunch today, so instead of my diet pop I had to eat a bite sized Snickers. Double Ugh.

.... So, as you can see this is definitely a sacrifice..... i really want a diet coke.... and i'm thinking... this is nothing compared to what Jesus did for me.... mission accomplished!

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