Monday, June 20, 2011

Mystery Solved

In addition to Fathers' Day this weekend, we also had a housewarming party to attend. Because I have the continued itch to create in my kitchen I decided to take on the task of making blueberry cupcakes, and 2 different kinds of hummus to bring to the party. My Kitchen Aid mixer & food processor have been calling to me & I was happy to oblige!

Love 'em!

I started out with the blueberries

Very light & fluffy...

...and pretty

Whipped cream frosting with fresh blueberries on top!

Lookin' good...

...but next time I might try a pastry bag to put on the frosting...

...would probably look neater/cleaner/prettier that way.

Ready for the cupcake carrier!

Crazy cupcake carrier!

The next task of making hummus was a little scary... for one reason & one reason only...

arch nemesis

You may recall my recent issues with jalapenos. I decided to put our issues aside & use the remaining jalapenos to make a Jalapeno Lime Hummus. I've made it before & it was good, so I decided to just go for it.

Interesting thing happened right around this time in my cooking that is worth mentioning. I checked my mail & as luck would have it my favorite magazine was awaiting me on my front porch!

Oh, how I love getting new issues!

Because I just couldn't contain my excitement I flipped through the magazine & saw this:

Do you see it?!

Yes, that's right!

They are extra big!!!

I was so excited to see this article! I thought it was hilarious since Peter & I were so confused about the size of our jalapenos! Apparently there really are big ones out there. The article said that you could find them at your local farmers' market, but ours were from good ol' Wegmans... now back to the hummus!



I used plastic bags on my hands as I dissected the jalapenos before putting them into the food processor. It was a bit cumbersome, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to avoid capsaicin contamination! (I hadn't planned on making this, so I didn't have a chance to get any latex gloves to use instead). I realized around this time that I also needed a blender for this hummus recipe, so I had to bring out more of the Kitchen Aid collection!

Peter wanted me to choose between the two of them on our bridal registry, but so glad I didn't

Below are the final products. In addition to the jalapeno lime hummus we invented a garlic scape hummus as well. I personally preferred the garlic scape one. The jalapeno hummus wasn't spicy at all! I even put in extra jalapenos! The last time we made it the spiciness was evident, so my conclusion was that after sitting in my refrigerator during the last two weeks, the jalapenos lost a lot of their spiciness. Does anyone know if this is in fact what happens?

Beautiful presentation by my husband!

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