Friday, November 23, 2007

My Christmas List (Draft 1)

As I sit here at work on a Friday night I've started to contemplate what I would like for Christmas this year. Here's what I've come up with so far (in no particular order):

*The Blackberry Pearl. I really want this phone.

*DVD of a concert. I'm not allowed to mention his name, so you have to click on the link for more info.

*Diamond Earrings & other Diamond Jewelry

*Remote Car Starter

*A Trip to Greece

*These cashmere gloves and matching and scarf both in the black stripe

*The Sephora Train Case for my most prized possessions... my makeup

*A Big TV

*A New Computer

*A New Wardrobe

*A New Camera

I'm sure there's more. I'll update soon....

But seriously, I LOVE Christmas shopping! If ever there was someone who really believed "it's better to give than to receive," it's me! I love finding new and exciting things to give as presents! How great is it when someone opens up a gift and is just as excited about it as you are?! My goal every year is to find "The Perfect Gift" for each and every person on my list!

My bother is usually the easiest to please. I know that I've succeeded when he wears what I just bought him to Christmas dinner at Nana's (it's happened on several occasions!). My goddaughter is also pretty easy to win over. What little girl doesn't like makeup, girly clothes, and anything with glitter?! Peter, on the other hand, is a difficult one to make happy. I haven't given up though! I've already found a few things for him for this year. I'm determined to find something that will please him. The only time I think I may have accomplished that so far is when I bought him A Treasure's Trove. He had mentioned this book a handful of times and thought I'd get it for him. I'd like to think he was impressed, but he may have been more annoyed, because the puzzles began to frustrate him a bit! Not that he doesn't like what I give him, he's just never as excited or thrilled as I want him to be!

I'm so excited to buy gifts!

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