Friday, November 9, 2007

All By Myself

Realization #1: I LOVE living by myself!

I suppose I've known this for many years. I used to love coming home from school and having nobody at home. I went to college and became an RA just to have my own room. I have no problem paying extra money just to have a place all to myself. My mom says that this is due to the fact that I am an only daughter, and thus never had to share a room. Of course this makes sense, but I think I just often need time to myself to relax and unwind. Having my own place is the best way to accomplish this. Also, I have OCD and hate when people mess with my shit, so living alone helps with that as well.

I think everyone should have to live by themselves at least once in their life. It definitely makes you more independent and self sufficient. It gives you a chance to really see what you like and dislike, what you need and don't need, etc. It gives you a chance to figure out if you really like yourself. It hold you accountable for everything. There's a million reasons why living on your own is great!

On the other hand, I suppose there are downfalls. You can get lonely living alone. Honestly though, I don't get lonely. Perhaps Muffin & Hallie provide me all the company I need, but if I do need human company I just pick up the phone and call someone. Also, living alone puts you in position where it may be difficult for you to compromise. You're so used to doing things your own way and getting what you want all of the time, that once you have to share your life it becomes difficult to do so. Giving up things, habits, attitudes can be difficult.

So, where does this leave my relationship? I do want to live with Peter someday, but for now I think frequent visits from him are nice. That way I can decorate my bathroom pink, program the thermostat at the temperature I want, fill up my DVR with all the reality television I desire, place each piece of furniture exactly where I want it to be, take up every square inch of my closet, and on some nights sleep diagonally all alone in my bed.

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