Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

I'm in a shallow mood, so I thought I'd write about some of my current obsessions...

#1. Red Bull. Sugarfree Red Bull to be exact. I'm hooked on it. It's a great way to start my early morning drive. Now that I've found it in 12 packs at Target I'm even happier! Now I might just have to follow in Nicole's footsteps and mix it with some Absolut. Mmmmmm.

#2. Weight Watchers. I'm back on it. Honestly, it just teaches you to make wiser food decisions, and to eat smaller portions. The portions is the key for me. It's hard, but I'm definitely trying to stick with it. I've lost 4.5 lbs so far. Love it!

#3. Sephora French Tips & Toes Manicure Pen. It's super cool! It makes it so easy to give yourself a french manicure. Well, at least it's easy for me to give my left hand a nice french manicure. When I had to move on to my right hand I suddenly remembered that I'm not ambidextrous. Alas (sigh), my right hand looks a bit ghetto, but I'm sure I'll improve with more practice.

#4. Eat, Love, Pray. It's an awesome book! I'm only halfway through it right now, 'cause I've been so busy, but so far I love it and highly recommend it. Maybe I'll write a book report on it when I finally finish!

That's all for now, but I think I might make this a regular post to keep you updated on what I'm into, 'cause I'm know you are just soooooo interested!

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