Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving! Unfortunately I'm stuck working the holiday from 1:30 'til 9:30 pm. Horrible! I guess that's life... or at least part of my life. Anyhow, I thought I'd share what I'm thankful for...

I am thankful for my friends, family, and loved ones in general. I'm thankful for the health and happiness of myself and everyone I know. I'm thankful for my strength, my drive, my confidence, my abilities, and my determination. I'm thankful for my place in this world, my job, my apartment, my kitties, and all my stuff. I'm thankful for all the opportunities I've been given to further myself, to enjoy myself, and to improve myself. I'm even thankful for all of the hardships and difficult times I've encountered in my life. They've made me stronger and a better person. I'm thankful for lots more stuff, I'm sure, but I'll stop listing them now.

Today, I think I'm most thankful for my family. The sad thing about working on Thanksgiving is that I don't get to see my family. It's always been one of my favorite holidays. Since my very first Thanksgiving, it has been a whirlwind day of family, food and fun. It's a long day of enjoyment, excitement, and the occasional stress, of course.

I remember always starting the day watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the living room. Erik & I would watch it from a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor (mom was asleep on the couch). I don't think I really cared much about the parade though. The only thing I wanted to see were the big balloons. For some reason they were my favorite part. Then, my mom would finish cooking whatever she was making to bring to my grandparents' houses (usually pies, some other random desserts, and my favorite lazy pierogie). Then we would head off to Grandma & Grandpa's for round 1. Followed by Nana's for round 2. (Lots of playing, screaming, yelling, story telling, eating & laughing make up rounds 1 & 2) We'd stay there 'til some crazy hour playing Trivial Pursuit or something like that. Then, we'd drive home and listen to Christmas music. Thanksgiving night was always the first time we'd dare put the Christmas tape into the car's cassette player. Obviously this is an abridged version. I have lots of memories, and family is at the core of them all.

Most of you who know me, know that I have a big family. My mom and dad are both one of 8 children. I have 33 first cousins and 6 second cousins (Which is a big number itself, considering only 4 of my cousins have their own many little ones have yet to come!). Holidays are completely family oriented for me. My family isn't a superfluous part of me. I know lots of people who don't even know their cousins. I definitely have cousins I don't know well, but that's only a couple. Growing up in a family like mine is cool. I describe it as having lots of brothers and sisters that you don't have to live with. You get lots of kids to play with, and hang out with, but at the end of the day you get your room all to yourself! So, tonight, I miss them all. I hope they all realize that I am thankful for each and every one of them.

So, now I'll just have to look forward to Christmas Eve & Christmas. It's just like Thanksgiving, only spread out over 2 long days, and it involves lots and lots of presents (many kids = many presents under the tree!)

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