Monday, March 10, 2008

Losing It

I am not having a good weekend sans boyfriend! Not that it's entirely his fault, but I planned on having a really fun week/weekend and get my shit together as well. Unfortunately God had other plans for me.

I dropped Peter off at the airport 5 am on Tuesday morning. I was then left to clean my apartment, workout, go shopping, cook food, and some other stuff. I was pretty much done with all that crap by 5 pm on Thursday.

Needless to say, I was ecstatic to be going out with Ab on Friday! Unfortunately, around noon on Friday the snow started. Sons of bitches. Now, snow doesn't normally stop me from going out. However, when one lives an hour away her plans are not as flexible. The roads are unpredictable lately, and what if they decided to close the 90 again, like they did a few weeks ago? My kitties were home without much food, and I had to take Hallie to the vet on Saturday morning. So, much to our dismay Ab & I postponed our plans. In the end this was probably a wise decision. It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to get home. Thankfully my driving was in the daylight too, 'cause the snow in the dark sucks! I spent Friday night going out of my mind! I was already stir crazy and the storm had just begun.

Saturday morning I dug my car out and in the end decided that it would be stupid to try to drive to Buffalo with Hallie for her vet appointment. So, my poor sick baby with brown snot did not go see Dr. Mineo. (In my defense, she's really not that different than usual. She's still the happiest kitty on the block. Sometimes her lungs sound bad, and she has crazy sneezing fits, so I thought I would FINALLY take her in. Like I said, God had other plans for me.) So, Saturday sucked ass! I eventually dug out my car and attempted to leave my godforsaken apartment, but the freezing rain scared me back to the indoors. So, I spent the day/night/afternoon cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. BORING!

It was around this time that I realized that the only thing keeping my in Rochester is Peter. I have nothing else here. I wanted to be back in my Highland apartment sooooo freaking bad this weekend that it hurt! Am I being too mellow dramatic for you?! I hope not, 'cause it's the truth. Everything is in Buffalo, and in reality I don't even live in Rochester. I live in stupid Churchville! I'm really, really ready for nice weather. I'm hoping it will cheer me up and alleviate much of my stress (the weekly panic attacks are enough to drive one insane). If not, I may be heading back west come fall. That's how much this week has brought me down.

I'll stop whining for now. I just though I'd update you all on how my new life has been going considering that my move is the title of my entire blog.

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