Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Painful Coversations with Lauren & Brody

First of all, am I the only one who finds watching "The Hills" incredibly painful?! This pain I feel every Monday night while watching it is for a variety of reasons.

Reason #1: Lauren and Brody need to learn how to have a conversation.
Now, I love Lauren. I see a lot of my old stupid self in her, perhaps that's why I find it so difficult to watch. I just want to take her by the shoulders and shake her and say, "If you want to go out with Brody tell him!" Brody has given her every freakin' opportunity to say something. She just is too much of a stupid girl to admit she wants to go out with him. If she stopped playing games and stopped trying to get him to say what she wants to hear things would be much better. Maybe then I wouldn't want to shoot myelf everytime I had to sit through one of their awkward dinners.

Reason #2: Spencer is an ugly loser.
That's all. I know it, you know it, and deep down I think Heidi knows she's engaged to one of the biggest jackasses to walk the earth.

Reason #3: Everyone is incredibly stupid & immature.
Yesterday I was watching the season finale and realized something. These people are only 21 years-old. No wonder they are all such idiots! If there was a television show about my life as a 21 year-old I would be emabarassed about what an immature moron I was.

Reason #4: Nothing ever happens.
Seriously. Has anything worthwhile happened on this show? The answer is "no." Nothing has changed in the three seasons of "The Hills." So, why do I continue to watch, you ask? Well, someday something will happen, and when it does I will be there to say, "Ah, finally!"

Despite all this, I am sad that season 3 is over. Now I must dedicate my spare time to "The Real World: Sydney." Stupid Dunbar! If I was his girlfriend I would KILL him! I'll save that rant for another day though!

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