Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WLD 2009

Thanksgiving is a holiday full of family, fun, food, & football. This Thanksgiving was Peter's first in years that he spent in Western NY. He was ready to experience my favorite holiday! It didn't start out great since I was an old lady & didn't want to go out partying the night before Thanksgiving. I've tried to explain to Peter that it is the biggest party night of the year, but since I fell asleep on the couch before midnight, I'm pretty sure he's not buying it.

Thanksgiving day we traveled out to Buffalo for dinner with my mom's side of the family at my grandfathers. Then we visited with Peter's mom for a bit, and then had dessert with my dad's side at my aunt's house. It was the first Thanksgiving without my Nana, so things were different, but we still had a wonderful time visiting with family.

Eight years ago I began the tradition of going to the Worlds Largest Disco the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Peter came along this year. He's heard all the stories of discos past & I think he was ready to experience one himself. He was quite the trooper hanging out with a bunch of crazy girls all night long.....

Peter & I decked out in disco gear

Nicole, Abbey & I

Peter dancing to YMCA

Laurie, Nicole, Natalie & Peter

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