Rotorua Weather: sunny, warm, low to mid 70's
We started the day with a 3.35 mile run around the neighborhood. Somehow we completed this before 8:30 am... we must be more hard core than I realized!
We then saw a a 9:30 am sheep show at the Agrodome. Yes, I said sheep show! All of the reviews about this appeared to be crazy good, so it seemed like it would be a shame to miss it. I told Peter that if it sucked I would be sure to review it on Trip Advisor and tell people not to be misled! In the end the show was surprisingly entertaining. We were up close & personal with sheep, dogs, ducks, and a cow. There was sheep shearing, cow milking & baby lamb feeding- how could we go wrong?! It was a definitely a unique experience!
This picture was taken right before I screamed- that sheep was eating my hair!
He loves sheep
The stars of the sheep show!
"The mighty Merino!"
The sheep sheerer ready to go to work!
There's really nothing like a freshly shorn sheep
The stars of the show got a little sleepy
I didn't get to feed the lambs... I'm still upset about this
Dogs on sheep
They couldn't be bothered with me
Following the sheep show we headed to Zorb! That was on my must do list. I was super excited when it was finally my turn... unfortunately getting zipped into the ball was anxiety inducing (to say the least). You can't see or hear anything and the air is muggy inside. I had to really focus on not having a panic attack. I survived though & was glad we did it!
They take pictures of you when you're zorbbing & they can kindly send you a link to see the pics. Unfortunately my zip file was corrupt! Here's a couple of Peter's pics.
Peter coming down the hill
Happy Peter
After showering we went to lunch at an Indian restaurant got some awesome chicken tikka masala! We then walked alond the geothermal Lake Rotorura. It was pretty (even though it had the tendency to smell of sulfur in some areas). On the way back to our hotel we got some Hokey Pokey ice cream which was quite good!
Happy about my tikka masala & naan
Lake Rotorua
Lake Rotorura
Showing off my zorbbing wounds
Excited to get Tim Tams like Shengo bought for Kim Kardashian!
We rested a bit before heading out for drinks at The Belgian Bar. we sat in the back garden that was lush with passion fruit trees. We then headed to dinner at a restaurant called Ambrosia where I had a Moroccan prawn salad and Peter had AMAZING gnocchi. My dinner was good, but his was better.
We then went back to The Belgian Bar where we had a couple more beers, made a few friends, got to try some passion fruit, and learned a bit about Belgian history.
Passion fruit tree
Peter eating passion fruit
Zorbing.... I can't rotate my video! Grrrr!
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